Human Trafficking
Education for Prevention

Human Trafficking Education
for Prevention (HTEP) Team information:
Our contact information is:
Email: (checked weekly) htepalberta@gmail.com
Website: htep.ca
Note: For urgent matters please contact the Human Trafficking Hotline (see above)
Contact us:
If you have a question that is not answered in FAQs
If you want to arrange a workshop or obtain training resources for your group
If you want to help with the fight against Human Trafficking
Links to other Anti-Trafficking Groups:
[Please note that this list is not exhaustive. There are many excellent organizations that provide education for prevention; treatment (therapy for victims, for example); or other direct or indirect support for victims.]
RESET Calgary
Not in My City
Next Step Ministries
I’m Worth It Now Ministry IWIN
ACT Alberta
Government of Alberta
Joy Smith Foundation
Canadian Centre to End Human Trafficking
Clan Mothers, Healing Village
Talitha Kum in Canada
Illuminate-Salvation Army
Organizations in Canada and other countries
Talitha Kum
Agape International Missions
Alliance to End Human Trafficking
Veterans for Child Rescue (U.S.)